I've looked over the site for the best possible solution, but I'm not really sure what I need to do. I was looking to create a new folder so I can archive any new CDs I burn, music I d/l though iTunes and otherwise, into my pre existing music folder that is located on my HD passport. I've got my iTunes music & video library all p to scratch with what it was on my old computer, my one problem though is creating any new folders whatsoever on the MacBook inside the passport folders itself. I have a 1TB WD my passport, and so far it's been working as expected. The only problem I've had thus far that I've not been able to find a solution for is that of not being able to create new folders on my external hard drive. I am confidant I made the right decision. Hey everybody, I'm really new to apple computers and have just purchased my first MacBook after years of debating whether to make the switch from PC.